Angels, Ghosts, and Whispers in the Wind
I do not believe in angels, ghosts, monsters, or fairies. However, others are not delusional when they "see" these things. Memories are audio/visual/emotional imprints on our brain of people, places, and things we have known.
At no time was this clearer to me than when I saw my husband, hours after his death, walk through our dining room. I saw a vivid image of him walking toward me then he disappeared before my eyes. Others would think this was his ghost departing. I know it was a view I had seen so many times before, which repeated itself at a time he was so present in my mind.
I have been thinking of him lately but he now is appearing only in my dreams. He is not usually present in my dreams so clearly my brain is bringing him up through dreams into my waking thoughts. (This has also occurred quite alot with my best friend, Tony, who passed last year.)
This is all so easy to dismiss. Valentine's Day is coming up and I am with someone else. Natural enough, yes?
The one puzzle which remains to me regarding these "ghostly visitations" is how and why do they seem to happen to multiple people at once? Without speaking with my siblings they have each expressed to me that Jason is on there minds as well. It is not his birthday or the anniversary of his death. Certainly Valentine's Dsy would not cause the same reaction in them as it would in me....would it?
This synchronization of thought happens often. From Mom and Dad, me, my siblings, friends. We are flung across the US from New York to Hawaii. We don't speak as often as we would like, and only seldom of Jason. So, is it synchronized or coincidental? Who the heck knows. What is iron-clad truth is that it is friggety-frackin' weird!!
More later.....................
At no time was this clearer to me than when I saw my husband, hours after his death, walk through our dining room. I saw a vivid image of him walking toward me then he disappeared before my eyes. Others would think this was his ghost departing. I know it was a view I had seen so many times before, which repeated itself at a time he was so present in my mind.
I have been thinking of him lately but he now is appearing only in my dreams. He is not usually present in my dreams so clearly my brain is bringing him up through dreams into my waking thoughts. (This has also occurred quite alot with my best friend, Tony, who passed last year.)
This is all so easy to dismiss. Valentine's Day is coming up and I am with someone else. Natural enough, yes?
The one puzzle which remains to me regarding these "ghostly visitations" is how and why do they seem to happen to multiple people at once? Without speaking with my siblings they have each expressed to me that Jason is on there minds as well. It is not his birthday or the anniversary of his death. Certainly Valentine's Dsy would not cause the same reaction in them as it would in me....would it?
This synchronization of thought happens often. From Mom and Dad, me, my siblings, friends. We are flung across the US from New York to Hawaii. We don't speak as often as we would like, and only seldom of Jason. So, is it synchronized or coincidental? Who the heck knows. What is iron-clad truth is that it is friggety-frackin' weird!!
More later.....................
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