In my time of woe, at my lowest point ever, I find soooo many things to be thankful for. Count your blessings as I do, please. - I am thankful for my little niece Lizzy's habit of snuggling with me...any hour, any day, whether I think I want it or not. OK, so she does this with everyone. But with Lizzy snuggled by my side, in my armpit, rested on my chest, playing her is like I am the Queen of Everything! - I am thankful for my cat, Cleopatra. My friend Chris took care of her while I couldn't. My brother continues to help me care for her. But, after 5 months of not living with her, I am still Tha Momma. She and I have been together most of her life. And her love is the first unconditional love since Jason. - I am thankful for my sisters and brothers. Though they still expect me to one day be fixed, and I have yet to believe in that day, their support and love is infinite in the face of my numerous continued personal disasters. - I am thankful that I am alive. In...