
Excerpt from 'Restoring Courage: The Courage to Stand' By Glenn Beck 08/24/2011

This is an excerpt from a speech given by Glenn Beck, addressing the Knesset in Israel. "The last century was a century of genocide. A century where evil rose up again and again… swallowing up the lives of millions. But evil met its match. Goodness eventually prevailed. People like Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Martin Luther King Jr. and Lech Walesa and Mother Theresa and Henrietta Szold awoke the world. They gave their lives to the pursuit of human rights. They took the side of justice against injustice, they held aloft the torch of freedom to push out the darkness of hate. These men and women lived difficult lives. They often lived shortened lives. They were often born to relative privilege, but willing to take on suffering. They did want not to martyr themselves. They would have happily lived to the end of their natural lives in comfort… but to the righteous, there is no comfort when evil has taken root." Read Beck's full keynote address at:

Angels, Ghosts, and Whispers in the Wind

  I do not believe in angels, ghosts, monsters, or fairies. However, others are not delusional when they "see" these things. Memories are audio/visual/emotional imprints on our brain of people, places, and things we have known.   At no time was this clearer to me than when I saw my husband, hours after his death, walk through our dining room. I saw a vivid image of him walking toward me then he disappeared before my eyes. Others would think this was his ghost departing. I know it was a view I had seen so many times before, which repeated itself at a time he was so present in my mind.   I have been thinking of him lately but he now is appearing only in my dreams. He is not usually present in my dreams so clearly my brain is bringing him up through dreams into my waking thoughts. (This has also occurred quite alot with my best friend, Tony, who passed last year.)   This is all so easy to dismiss. Valentine's Day is coming up and I am with someone else...

Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood's federal funding has been saved for now, thanks in large part to Obama's unwillingness to bend on the issue. However, count on this to be a contentious issue in next year's budget and election. PP uses private funding for abortions and uses federal monies for pregnancy prevention, STD screening, and women's health issues. The debate in Washington is silly and polarized over the least relevant portion of what PP does. I encourage all supporters of reason to visit and take action. More on the subject later.

NFL Progress

I remain hopeful for the new season. Why? Because, despite all the legal wranglings going on, the NFL continues to speak of draft choices and team prospects for the coming season. Additionally, the judge overseeing the current case is willing to take apart the dispute, issue by issue. This is important because some issues are more flexible than others. In some issues the parties are closer to agreement than in others. This may bring about a quicker resolve. Fingers crossed, fans! There will be an NFL season this year!

Peter Godwin on Zimbabwe

I just heard a very interesting interview on NPR with Peter Godwin, author of The Fear:The Last Days of Robert Mugabe . His is an interesting perspective on the liberation, current affairs, and future of Zimbabwe. It is a very powerful story and I hope to soon get my hands on the book. Amongst the questions about Zimbabwe, the lack of resources were discussed. When Peter's father passed, Peter himself had to cremate him. This was due to lack of fuel for proper crematoriums. Odd combination of mixed feelings on this. On the one hand, it would seem to be quite a gruesome thing to do. On the other hand, it is very intimate and that is why the Hindus still do it. The burning of the body by the eldest son is a rite of passage for both father and son. ( interview highlight at end of blog ) I encourage all to check out the highlights of the interview at: I also encourage all to seek out his book, as I ...

Politics Vs. "Real Life"

I have been told by my many friends who do not vote and wish to never discuss politics that I should focus on "real life". Politics is defined by Merriam-Webster as: a: the art or science of government b: the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing government policy c: the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over government -Part a references the discussions we all have (in person and through all forms of media) over what our government is doing, what we would like them to do, and how they should do it. This would also include discussion of government in states/countries other than the one in which one resides. -Part b references voting, our choice of representatives and hence our voice in the process. It also references our direct contact with the process, through petitions to our representatives as well as letters and other direct appeals to influence their decisions. -No doubt that part c, third in the order, is the unpalatable part to ...