
Showing posts from April, 2011

Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood's federal funding has been saved for now, thanks in large part to Obama's unwillingness to bend on the issue. However, count on this to be a contentious issue in next year's budget and election. PP uses private funding for abortions and uses federal monies for pregnancy prevention, STD screening, and women's health issues. The debate in Washington is silly and polarized over the least relevant portion of what PP does. I encourage all supporters of reason to visit and take action. More on the subject later.

NFL Progress

I remain hopeful for the new season. Why? Because, despite all the legal wranglings going on, the NFL continues to speak of draft choices and team prospects for the coming season. Additionally, the judge overseeing the current case is willing to take apart the dispute, issue by issue. This is important because some issues are more flexible than others. In some issues the parties are closer to agreement than in others. This may bring about a quicker resolve. Fingers crossed, fans! There will be an NFL season this year!