
Showing posts from March, 2011

Peter Godwin on Zimbabwe

I just heard a very interesting interview on NPR with Peter Godwin, author of The Fear:The Last Days of Robert Mugabe . His is an interesting perspective on the liberation, current affairs, and future of Zimbabwe. It is a very powerful story and I hope to soon get my hands on the book. Amongst the questions about Zimbabwe, the lack of resources were discussed. When Peter's father passed, Peter himself had to cremate him. This was due to lack of fuel for proper crematoriums. Odd combination of mixed feelings on this. On the one hand, it would seem to be quite a gruesome thing to do. On the other hand, it is very intimate and that is why the Hindus still do it. The burning of the body by the eldest son is a rite of passage for both father and son. ( interview highlight at end of blog ) I encourage all to check out the highlights of the interview at: I also encourage all to seek out his book, as I ...

Politics Vs. "Real Life"

I have been told by my many friends who do not vote and wish to never discuss politics that I should focus on "real life". Politics is defined by Merriam-Webster as: a: the art or science of government b: the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing government policy c: the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over government -Part a references the discussions we all have (in person and through all forms of media) over what our government is doing, what we would like them to do, and how they should do it. This would also include discussion of government in states/countries other than the one in which one resides. -Part b references voting, our choice of representatives and hence our voice in the process. It also references our direct contact with the process, through petitions to our representatives as well as letters and other direct appeals to influence their decisions. -No doubt that part c, third in the order, is the unpalatable part to ...